工业铝型材装配系统 Categories New products 2024 Extrusions Bestseller Base 50 extrusions Base 45 extrusions Base 40 extrusions Base 30 extrusions Base 20 extrusions Special extrusions Special extrusions Angle extrusions Hinge extrusions, handle extrusions, square pipe Connecting technology Universal Connector Standard Connector Combination Connector Extension Connector Mitre Connector Special Connector Threaded Connector Accessories Plastic profile Fixing Kit Mounting brackets Attachment rail Uniblock Clamping block Attachment bracket T-bolts Threaded Elements Threaded plates Double threaded plates Halfround threaded plates Extrusion nuts Swivel in nut extrusion Double extrusion nuts Hammer nuts Anti-twist spigots Threaded inserts Base Connecting Elements Roller Elements Plastic Elements Cable Ducts Panels Hinges and Joints Fitting Pneumatic Elements Dynamic Elements Corner piece Lifting Columns Roller system BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 100x100 BASE EXTRUSION MA2-5 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 100x100 BASE EXTRUSION (MA3-5) MA3-5 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 100x100 HEAVY DUTY EXTRUSION MA1-5 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 100x200 HEAVY DUTY EXTRUSION MA1-9 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x100 BASE EXTRUSION A01-2 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x100 FACE EXTRUSION MA1-4 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x100 HEAVY DUTY EXTRUSION MA1-2 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x150 BEAM EXTRUSION MA1-3 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x45° ANGLE EXTRUSION A02-8 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x50 BASE EXTRUSION A01-1 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x50 CORNER EXTRUSION A01-7 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x50 DOUBLE FACE EXTRUSION A02-4 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x50 FACE EXTRUSION A01-8 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x50 FACE EXTRUSION WITH RIP OFF PANEL SLOTS A03-8 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - 50x50 HEAVY DUTY EXTRUSION MA1-1 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - BEAM EXTRUSION 50x200 MA1-6 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - CORNER EXTRUSION 100x100 A03-7 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - FOUR SIDED SOFTLINE EXTRUSION 50x50 A10-0 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - LIGHT EXTRUSION 50x100 A02-2 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - LIGHTWEIGHT EXTRUSION 50x50 A02-1 BASE PROFILE 50 mm - RADIUS EXTRUSION 100X100 (A03–9) A03-9 SPECIAL EXTRUSIONS - BASE PROFILE 150x150 MA1-8